Sunday 21 February 2016

Those Who Want to Die and Those Who Fear to Die, Have This In Common

You probably thought the suicidals and the thanatophobes were direct opposites having absolutely nothing in common. But they are both made of the same basic stuff: FEAR. One fears to die; the other fears to live.

There is fullness of life only somewhere outside both fear circles: the faith circles where you can say, "for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21). Note that 'Christ' here does not mean what most of the so called Christians take it for. It means the reality of God's presence that abides with whoever truly believes in - or, is truly conscious of - God at this moment. Jesus lived and believed and had the Christ in him so much that he manifested it wherever he went. And the same Jesus would always say "whosoever" with regard to faith (example, Mark 11:23).

Today the so called Christians criticize the so called occultists for being 'diabolical' whereas I see more of the occultists putting Jesus' teachings to use - and it's working for them - than most Christians do (again, Mark 11:23 is a great example).

The only right way to live, is to live in faith. The only wrong way to live, is to live in fear.